Be sure all the specified elements are in view and send your video or video link to for consideration. We prefer videos in .mp4 or .mov format, but we can usually convert most file types. Please include SASS alias and SASS # (if available) so we can give you proper credit. We will let you know if your entry is accepted, or what the problem is if rejected. You may also submit a video in a category not yet posted. Stage categories are limited to traditional (2 handed), gunfighter and duelist. All record categories will be separated into male and female winners. Records up to third place will be recorded. Only a shooters best run will be recorded. Your submitted video will also be accessible on our Youtube channel and by submitting, you agree that and/or anyone associated with this website is not responsible for anything other than posting of the video and record. By uploading you agree to hold and/or any of its affiliates or associates harmless from claims of any kind.